Trust A.G.M. 23rd April 2024

Annual General meeting of the Trustees




Brian Gibson BG, Andrew Boulton AB

Trustees Present  

Antonia Pounsett AP (Chairperson), William Baxter WB (Treasurer)

Richard Perkins RP, Ray Hemingray RH, Heather Grist HG.


1. Accounts


WB gave a brief resume of the financial position and provided audited accounts for 2023/4 as well as a budget forecast for 24/25. Some discussion was held around the way that income and expenditure was recorded.


Proposed by RH that the auditors are asked questions about how the relevant amounts are recorded. Seconded by RP.

It was proposed by AP that approval of  the accounts should be deferred until the 25th June Trust meeting, when we have answers to our questions. Seconded by WB. All in favour on both counts.

2. Accountancy Services  

There was a very brief discussion during which WB commended the company Azets Ltd to the Trustees


Proposed by by HG that Azets be appointed as auditors once more. Seconded by RP. All in favour

3. Charity Trustees – Terms of office AP confirmed her decision to step down both as Chair and Trustee of the SKBPT after 2024.

RH’s term of office ends this year and was ambivalent about remaining a Trustee but would retain the role until further notice

The following expressed their willingness to continue as Trustees until 2025 – WB and HG

The following expressed their willingness to continue as Trustees until 2026 – AB, BG and RP


Recruitment of more Trustees

It was felt to be imperative to make every effort, through personal recommendation and invitation to attend events, to encourage new Trustees, particularly with finding a new Chair. A number of names were suggested and events on the 25th April and the30th of May could be seen as recruiting opportunities.
4. AOB There was no further business


Meeting closed at 18.45